Sunday, April 27, 2008

John's Off Duty Discovery

Sunday afternoon around 5:30p.m I decided to get motivated and go out for a quick walk/run. I was feeling inspired by Kadi's progress with her daily jaunts through our neighborhood. I have also been inspired to get ready for my brown belt test in a couple of months. This was my third walk/run of the week. I asked Christine and Madeline if they wanted to come with their bikes and they did. We walked to the end of the paved section of Fiddlers Reach Road and said hello to the horses at the farm. Then we started headed back which the route takes us to the bottom of the Fiddlers Reach boat landing on the Kennebec River. The kids had left their bikes at the top of the hill and walked down with me. I got to the bottom and noticed a green Volkswagon parked near the landing. I got closer and noticed the the car had 4 occupants and the driver suddenly rolled her window up as I walked by. I thought I smelt a strong odor in the air as well. Well we walked back up the hill as I was formulating my plan. I had my phone with me but no credentials. I also did not want to put the kids in harms way. I decided to run home, in hopes that I could suit up and return with my cruiser to follow my instincts. I ran realy fast all the way home. I beat the kids who were pedaling fast. I arrived at our house and ran right inside. My Academy drill of instructor would of been proud that this 36 year old cop could still run as fast as I did. I threw off my sweatshirt and put on my police jacket and duty belt. I stopped and wiped the sweat off my brow (bucket). I grabbed my cellphone, radio, and ran out the door. I called my dispatch and told them where I was headed. I pulled down the boat landing and found the car and its occupants still there. Well the pictures tell part of the story. The driver was suspended for O.U.I along with all her occupants. None of them had a license. They all had cans and bottles of open beer shoved everywhere and full one's on the floor. I searched the vehicle and recovered two plastic baggies of Marijuana as well. The driver was out on bail and was in complete violation. A passenger in the rear was on probation for OUI neither were allowed to consume or possess alcoholic beverages! A Sheriff's Deputy backed me up and knew all of the occupants. I knew one of them in the back. One of the female passengers told me that she recognized Madeline from one of her friends parents day care! Not bad for a days work on my day off!


Brad and Rebecca said...

John, you know I love these stories! Keep 'em comin!

Kadi, John and girls said...

Wow , i had quite the time on sunday . Chris

Cassie said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am really impressed with John's speed and clarity of thought...and really unimpressed with the lack of those two characteristics in the people arrested!